Where To Eat In Pingwe, Zanzibar.

After a few days in Stone Town, we were excited to make the short bus ride across the island to Pingwe on Zanzibars’ East coast where the birthday celebration for our friend Z would continue for the next 4 nights! Pingwe is home to a handful of hotels and guesthouses. We stayed at the brand…

Exploring Stone Town, Zanzibar.

Arab, Indian and Persian traders all stopped off in Zanzibar on their voyages to and from Africa, the Middle East and India, and to this day, their influence can be seen everywhere from their cuisine to their architecture. Many of the cities most beautiful heritage buildings are decorated by intricately carved wooden doors,  showcasing both…

Where to eat in Stone Town, Zanzibar.

I wasn’t really sure what to expect from the food in Zanzibar, apart from a lot of good seafood, and spices, which turned out to be pretty much what we got! Whilst we avoided the street-food at the touristy Fordodhani gardens on the seafront, we found plenty of tasty and cheap street food in the…

Kizimbani Spice Farm, Zanzibar, Tanzania.

Never one to turn down the chance to travel, I was delighted when a much missed friend from Yangon invited me and a group of friends to celebrate her birthday in Zanzibar. My parents travelled to Zanzibar a couple of years ago (my father decided he would climb Kilimanjaro to mark turning 60!) and one…