Kuru Fasülyeci Erzincanlı Ali Baba Süleymaniye, Istanbul.

Another restaurant that we whole heartedly enjoyed, was the Erzincanli Ali Baba, just next to the Süleymaniye mosque in Fatih (it goes without saying that a visit to the mosque is of course highly recommended too) Had we not have been with our guide, Goklap, there is no way we would have stopped for lunch…

Cats of Istanbul

Once you have taken in just how beautiful Istanbul is, it is impossible not to notice how many street cats there are (estimates put it at over 30,000!) yet unlike the raggedy strays we see here in Yangon, Istanbuls street cats appear, for the most part, a shining example of health and contentedness. There is…

Mezze by Lemon Tree, Beyoğlu, Istanbul.

I always like to check where my favourite food critics have eaten when visiting a new city for the first time, and so was delighted to find an article on Istanbul by Marina O’Loughlin (Food Critic for the Sunday Times) where she recommended Mezze by Lemon Tree, and my father very kindly booked us in…

A Day Trip to Kınalıada (Princes’ Island) Istanbul.

My brother & his girlfriend had arrived in Istanbul a few days before we did, and had spent a day visiting one of the pretty Princes’ Islands, to the south of Istanbul, which sounded like a great way to really get into the holiday mode. We had spent the morning exploring Kadıköy and so took…